Tuesdays With Dorie…Blueberry Sour Cream Ice Cream

For this week’s Tuesdays With Dorie, Dolores of Chronicles in Culinary Curiosity chose Blueberry Sour Cream Ice Cream on page 434. It was nice to not have to bake…not to have to turn on the oven…nice to just let the ice cream maker do its thing.

Sadly, I can’t say a lot about this particular recipe. I am a blueberry hoarder, and all of those pounds of blueberries I picked at Bob Pond earlier in the summer look so pretty in the deep freeze. There needs to be a very good reason for me to disturb them…and I considered leaving them be. You see, I already have a recipe for cool refreshing blueberries. And sour cream, to me, belongs on potatoes. Or zucchini. Or tacos. But mostly potatoes. Not blueberries.

So of course I made it. I haven’t skipped a week yet. Plus, it was easy. I left some as is, and for the rest, I added a little extra water and then froze it in those ice trays made for water bottles. Have you seen those? How inventive is that?? I just stuck a popsicle stick in and voila, ice cream on a stick….the perfect serving size for Seven. He loves it. I, personally, just tolerate it.

Sour cream belongs on potatoes.

Next week we’re making granola bars, I think. Until then, head on over to check out what the other TWDers thought of this no-bake dessert…I bet at least one of them more than tolerated it!
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