Cookies for a Birthday Boy
So here is one of the orders I did today…for one of my favorite bloggers ever! She was so easy to get along with…so few restrictions!

Day 19 Rundown: Spent $1.75
Breakfast: I got up and made us the fattest pancakes ever. I swear they were almost an inch tall. We all ate them, but Seven added a peach to his.
Lunch: We all shared leftovers form the cookout the night before – kebobs, green beans, and corn on the cob. Oh yeah, and leftover cobbler.
Dinner: Seven went to hang out with Mom and Dad while Jon and I played in a Couples Twilight Golf Tourney. I don’t golf, but I have cute golf shoes. Believe it or not, we didn’t even come in last. Wow. Anyway, Seven ate with my folks, and the Country Club supplied pizza to all the players. I did buy Jon a beer – it was $1.75.
9 Days to Go, $54.84 left to spend.