How To Balance Work and Play in a New City

Exciting moving into a new city, wasn’t it? There’s just that sort of magic about starting anew—new place, new faces, endless possibilities. But fun as it may be, standing out just might get a little tricky between work and play. So, how do you actually get to create this thriving career and downtime in general in a city that you’re still getting to know? Really, it is not that complicated. This will be a breeze to master with just a little bit of planning.

Getting into the Groove at Work

First, work. It is apparently the reason you moved in the first place, right? But it can be so easy to slip into at the same time—the overworking trap—especially when you are put in a new environment. The key here is routine: set yourself a work schedule that is realistic; don’t stretch yourself just because you want to impress. The beauty of a new city—especially if you’re living in apartments in Washington DC—is that you will always have something to do right outside your door. So, clock out on time and leave work at the desk. You will feel more productive and happier knowing there’s time to unwind after a busy day.

Getting to Know Your New Playground

Now, on to the fun stuff: the exploration! It’s very tempting to want to see it all immediately upon moving but take your time. There is no need to hurry. Begin with things like a local coffee shop, the closest park to home, or the best place to get dinner after work. You start mapping your favorite places, and in time, the city becomes home. Of course, it is just a matter of making it part of your weekly routine: reserving some time to discover new places; in no time, you will get a few spots you can call yours.

Meeting People Without Feeling Forced

Making friends as an adult, especially in a new city, can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be awkward. The thing is, everyone is in the same boat. You might be surprised how many people are also trying to balance work and play while settling in. Go to community events, try out that new fitness class, or join a local club and start small. The fact is that it can even be chatting with your neighbors. Friendships take time, and not every interaction has to result in a lifelong friend. Sometimes, it is about being open to those small, everyday conversations that make a place friendlier.

Finding the Balance

So, how do you actually balance work and play? It’s all about making time for both. Schedule your downtime just as you would your work meetings. Otherwise, it’s too easy to get sucked into the “all work, no play” cycle. Take a moment to stop when overwhelmed by all these things you should do. Take some time to plan something fun, even if it’s just an hour to check out a new neighborhood or meet up with a friend for coffee. The balance between work and play does not happen by accident—it’s something you create—on purpose—so you can enjoy the best of both worlds.


Usually, some time may be required to balance work and play life in a new city, but eventually, it pays off. In no time, you may know your rhythm, and with just a little effort, instead of an entirely new city, it would start to feel like home.


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