How to Introduce Healthier Eating Habits

How to Introduce Healthier Eating Habits to Your Life

The food you eat has a massive impact on your health. Unfortunately, many of us don’t eat as healthily as we should. Often it’s a combination of being short on time, ideas, and energy that leads us to the most convenient and usually least healthy option.

So, here are a few ways to make health easier so you can avoid unhealthy eating habits.

Drink Plenty of Water

If you feel groggy, slightly headachey, and maybe a bit peckish, the chances are that your body wants water. The dry mouth and more obvious symptoms of thirst come later. 

By drinking plenty of water, you’re giving your brain and body something it desperately needs to function. Your skin will look clearer and healthier, and you’ll even think better. One common mistake people make is to always reach for a sugary drink.

Even if you don’t like water, consider other options like fruit or herbal tea. Any drink is better than no drink, but try not to drink all of your calories and sugar in one fell swoop. Keep a bottle of water or your favorite beverage handy.

Make Healthy Snacks and Treats

If you deprive yourself of snacks and treats, your diet won’t last long. Instead, replace them with healthy alternatives that still scratch that itch. For example, this brownie batter hummus is easy to make, completely vegan, and absolutely delicious for when you want a sweet treat.

Some people do prefer grazing, and while this can lead to unhealthy habits, it doesn’t have to. The trick is to make healthy options convenient. Keep fruit available, along with other healthy snacks that you either make yourself or buy.

Portion Control

Whether you’re a snacker or you prefer sit-down meals, sometimes the issue comes down to how much you eat as well as what you eat. Calories aren’t the enemy, we need them to live, but we should only eat a certain amount of calories per day so we don’t gain weight. 

While the recommended average amount of calories sits at 2000kcal, this can change from person to person. A man weighing in at 190 lb will need more calories than a woman who weighs about 140 lb. This can also change depending on your goals, as you may want to gain or lose weight. You can use a calorie calculator to be more accurate for your needs.

So, does this mean that you have to deprive yourself of everything and go hungry? 

Not necessarily, it just means controlling how much you eat. When you snack, use a bowl or a plate rather than mindlessly eating. Use smaller plates and eat more slowly so your body can more easily tell when it’s full. Drink water or another beverage while you eat as well, so you slow yourself down even further. 

Once you’ve finished eating, give yourself a few minutes before getting up for more food. The chances are that you will feel satisfied with less food.

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