Why Your Bedroom is Stopping You From Healthy Sleep


Healthy sleep patterns are the foundation for building a better life. So, if you regularly experience disrupted nights, it is likely that your bedroom needs attention.


When upgrading the bedroom, you must first understand the reasons why the space isn’t currently working. Once you do, the right changes can be implemented with greater effect. Her’s all you need to know.


#1. The Bed Isn’t Right For You


Lifestyle choices like nutrition and physical activity can certainly support your sleep habits. When looking to sleep well, though, the importance of a winning mattress can’t be ignored. Choosing the firmness of your mattress is a crucial step. However, you may also need to think about the depth of the mattress and the sleeping height this produces. Advanced features like cooling tech may also benefit you.


The bed frame is arguably less important. But it still needs to provide the right height and stability, without this, your quality of sleep will suffer.


#2. It Feels Cluttered & Unorganised


If the bedroom environment feels unorganised, it may make it difficult for you to mentally switch off. Oak bedside tables look fantastic but also provide the perfect storage for books or notepads. So, you can complete tomorrow’s to-do list before closing your eyes with a clear mind. The fact that oak gives a timeless appeal that works with all bedroom themes is a massive bonus. 


Keeping wardrobes and drawers organised with internal storage features also aids the cause. Better still, it can save valuable time during the day.


#3. Your Bedding Is Uncomfortable


The right bed frame and mattress aren’t the only key ingredients in the recipe for a good sleep setting. Uncomfortable pillows, duvets, and bedsheets may irritate you through the night. In turn, this will stop you from ever truly unlocking the desired sleep quality. Understanding the differences between common duvet materials will help you make informed choices. And it may translate to better sleep. 


If you feel that the mattress is already suitable, this simple upgrade could be the key to success. It’s also a quick and affordable transformation. 


#4. There Are Too Many Distractions


Evening habits will have a huge impact on your sleep patterns. Avoiding blue lights and mental distractions can help you drift off into the REM stage more efficiently. So, losing the TV or other entertainment features could be a good option. You can always use this as an opportunity to personalise the room with printed photo canvases or similar decor. If nothing else, this minimalist approach saves money in the long run.


When you remove distractions, the bedroom becomes a space where your body and mind naturally prepare for sleep. 


#5. Too Much Light Enters The Room


You may not personally need total darkness to drift off to sleep. Nevertheless, allowing light to enter the room will reduce the time spent in deep sleep. So, upgrading to new blinds or curtains could be an awesome move. If your current solution fails to meet the desired standards, the chances of enjoying the full rewards of a night’s rest are low. Try turning your lamp and any electronic devices off too.


When the lighting setup works with the room layout and features, you should see results within days. Frankly, it will change your life for the better.


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