Oh Yeah…I Want PIES With That!!

Hooray! It’s Pie Day!

For our very first “You Want Pies With That” Challenge, we were to choose one of our favorite movies and make a pie based on it. Sooo difficult for me. Horribly difficult. I love movies. My favorites are Out of Africa, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The English Patient…well, lets not get in to all the movies I love as there are just too many. Goonies. LOVE the Goonies. Anything 80s. Sorry, I’ll get on with it.

One of the movies I can watch each and every time it comes on is Sixteen Candles. So shoot me. I can’t help it. It’s easy to watch, easier to quote, and all of my girlies know it and quote it with me. And what woman doesn’t just LOVE Jake Ryan? Did you know the guy who played him is living and working in Pennsylvania as a furniture maker? Apparantly, he didn’t dig the Hollywood scene. Who can blame him? Well, except for giving up all that money and fame, of course.

So my pie. I give you the “No More Yanky My Wanky Pie.”

That’s right…The Donger Need Food.

What on earth? If you’ve never seen 16 Candles, here’s a brief synopsis. Molly Ringwald’s 16th birthday is overlooked by her family because her older, dumber sister is marrying an oily bohunk…on HER Birthday. Grandparents have taken over her room, and have brought their Chinese Exchange Student, Long Duck Dong to stay there, too. Molly also has it bad for Jake Ryan, the hottest, rich guy at school…and even though he’s dating the Prom Queen, he’s all into Molly though she hasn’t got a clue.

The End.

Sort of. I feel ridiculous summing up this movie because I don’t think there is a person on the planet who hasn’t seen it. Go over to http://www.imdb.com/ in case you need a refresher.

No More Yanky My Wanky Pie is all about 16 Candles.

First you have the quiche pie crust. Why Quiche? Well, you remember the dinner in the movie, when the Donger asks what quiche was? Then he asked…”How You Spell?”

Well, you don’t Spell It, Son, you EAT it.

Next I layered it with Rice and Chinese Food. Hello? that should be obvious. The Donger is Chinese. (Yes, I made the Chinese food…it was Bonsai Chicken, another reference in the movie.)

I was also sure to put plenty of Carrots…because in the beginning of the movie Molly’s mother told her she’d have to eat school lunch since she didn’t have time to make her carrots…and her snot little brother mentioned that she only ate them to make her boobs grow. (I eat lots of carrots people, it just doesn’t work. Don’t make me post the proof.)

So there you have it. No More Yanky My Wanky Pie.

Hope everyone else had as much fun making their Movie Pie as I did! I can’t wait to see the creations!!

Fo more “You Want Pies With That” Movie Themed Pies, head over to Pie Town and check them out!!
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