Friday Find…Time Travelers

Remember that post I did a few weeks ago about 52 Books in 52 Weeks? Well, thanks to all of YOU, I have been bombarded with recommendations, and this post is about one of them.

The Time Traveler’s Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger

I wasn’t sure what I would think about this book. I was looking for easy reads, books that I could easily pick up and put down at a moment’s notice. This book ended up being like that, except for the putting it down part. I couldn’t seem to pull myself away from it. Ever. So here I am, finished, about 6 hours worth of reading later, still captivated.

For those of you like me who never get a chance to consult the New York Times for book reviews and may not have heard of this little gem, well, take my advice….Pick It Up.

Buy it. Borrow it. Get it from the library (like I did.) Just get it.

How a book that seems to be so science fiction based at first thought is a gripping, heart churning love story. I don’t do science fiction. I just don’t. So how can I love a book about a man that travels through time?

Excellent writing.

Niffenegger makes it so believable that you just know things like this can happen.

Poignant and gripping, this novel is fascinating from beginning to end. I highly recommend it.

Apparently this has been turned into a movie? With Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams? I love them both. Wow. Looks like I need to see it.

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