Friday Finds…New Line Digital Scale

I recently had the opportunity to review a digital kitchen scale for Newline. I was thrilled! I had heard some nice reviews about their products, so getting one of my own was a real treat. A digital scale may not be something the average person thinks they need in the kitchen, but I am here to tell you otherwise.

From measuring out your ingredients for a cake (we all know how touchy baking can be), to dividing up meat to freeze (like we did with our ground beef), to simply being on a diet and monitoring portion control – you’ll find yourself using your scale more than you ever thought you would. In fact, I think you’ll wonder how you got by without it at all.

The scale I reviewed is the Newline Smart Digital Kitchen Scale. It is so simple to use, and is perfect for both wet and dry ingredients. With the push of just ONE button, you immediately know precisely how much of your ingredient you have. Pounds and ounces as well as kilograms and grams. No more crazy calculating from one measurement to another – this scale does it for you! A really nice feature is that the scale is also a clock – and get this- it has a countdown timer and alarm on it. For me, this is perfect because I have learned something the hard way recently…Seven can reach and adjust my oven timer. This is not good for my baked goods, as you might imagine. I also like that the bowl is removable and can be washed quickly in the sink…no problems!

Right now, Newline has this particular scale on sale at their website. Normally $39.00, you can now pick this great product up for half that! $19.95 is more than a deal on a scale of this quality. Try it yourself!

Along with the scale, I was given a 3-in-1 Pizza Utensil to try out. Too cool! One edge is a pizza wheel, the other side cuts, and then the whole thing opens to serve as tongs…pretty ingenius if you ask me. It’s also great for pies and cakes…it works as a cutter and the spatula. Best yet is you can get it right now on Amazon for a mere $7.95 – marked down from $18 – and if you buy 3, you get the 4th free. What a great gift idea for a Foodie Friend!

A big Thank You to Newline for allowing me to review these great products…I hope you will take a few minutes to go explore their amazing lineup…there is something for everyone there! Some of their gorgeous scales are almost too pretty to use – check out the Space Saver Model and the Elegant Glass Scales, too! (Would it help to mention that they are on a huge sale?)

Have a great weekend, everyone, and thanks for stopping by! By the way…what do you think of my new look? It’s still a work in process, but almost there! I’d love to hear your thoughts….

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