Wordless Wednesday…The Science of Cake

Or would it be “Cakes for Science”??cellcake

sydcake1Either way, this is a cake I helped my cousin’s daughter make a few weeks ago for her school science class. I showed her how to ice it, we played with fondant, I taught her to use piping bags…and I relearned all those crazy mitochondria, cell wall, Golgi Apparatus things!

I think turning a cake into a science project is an excellent way to learn…it gets you in there, hands on, making each of the parts yourself, which in itself is a technique in learning and memorization. And it’s fun for everyone involved. Give it a go – there are lots of things you could make!


In the meantime, I am begging for support for the recipe I entered in the Hass Avocado Contest. I’ve moved well up the ranks, thanks to all of you guys! But I still have a ways to go…so if you wouldn’t mind voting for my Bourbon Bacon, Shrimp & Avocado Pockets, I would really appreciate it! There is no registration required, just click VOTE! You can vote once a day, so I hope you will! I will be featuring the recipe here on my site on Monday, and begging for votes again then…be prepared! 🙂 VOTE HERE! And THANKS!
Disclaimer: Yes, I full on know that I ran my mouth on Wordless Wednesday. It happens.

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