An Easy Saturday in Jomtien
It’s 3 in the afternoon, and we are stretched out in lounge chairs by our favorite upper pool here at home in Jomtien. The sun is scorching when it’s not shielded by lingering clouds, which offer a moment of shade as they pass by. Less than a mile away, it poured rain about 45 minutes ago, when we were just headed back from our morning jaunt to Jomtien Beach. It was only the second rain shower we’ve seen in 5 1/2 weeks! Luckily we were able to duck under the awning in front of our Visa agency, and wait it out, versus continuing to walk as it rained.
A walk to a late breakfast
We slept in late today, I’m not sure why, other than I kept us up late last night working a Twitter party until midnight. In fact, we slept through our planned breakfast. Still, we made the hike to Back Fabrik sometime after 11, and enjoyed a late breakfast there anyway, and decided to forgo lunch. They have the best bacon, so I bought some to go, so that we can have BLTs tomorrow. From there, we picked up our laundry down the street, once again neatly ironed and folded, ready to go. It was $6 today, for 14 pieces, which included a beach towel and bath towel. Pretty cheap. I love that the girl there knows my name, and recognizes us as soon as we walk up. It’s comforting…I just like it.

Little Lost Elephants
A little girl, maybe 3, in a bright pink swimsuit and lilac sandals just crossed the pool bridge. Why? To stand at the end of my lounge chair and stomp her purple clad feet at me like a tiny mad elephant. Every time she pounded the ground with her little foot her double ponytails would flail. She never said a word, just stomped. I think she was mad I wasn’t her mother. She seemed to be turned around so perhaps she thought I took her seat? A sweaty bellied Russian man in the sofa lounger across from me chuckled at this strange display, then proceeded to recover his face with his straw hat. I can hear his earbuds from here, yet somehow he seems to be sleeping now.
After the laundry pick up, we took the bus to Nai, where we had our massages for the day. Rust opted for a Thai massage (my least favorite) and I chose the foot massage. I was lucky to get my favorite masseuse- Earn – as she knows me well and does an incredible job. She takes extra time to massage my head, which I love. It helps so much with the TMJ pain I have trouble with. Between the reflexology, the head and neck massages, daily exercise and eating clean, I’ve gotten to the point that I don’t suck down a dozen pain pills a day now. In fact, I’ve not had one this week, which is a huge thing for me. I’m kind of scared to go back to life any other way than here. Hopefully, I can continue to at least eat right and exercise from here on out and keep the pain at a minimum.

Pool Companions
Somewhere behind me, maybe on the lower pool level, a woman is singing opera. The melody keeps wafting up here, so unusual. It’s like a bizarre soundtrack to a movie I didn’t mean to be a part of. There’s a very loud Chinese (I think) family in the pool that make it hard to hear her. This family is new as of yesterday. There are four children, the loudest one is a teenage boy. The father is white, not Chinese at all, and his little shorts are very little. I’ll never get used to men wearing such suits. The confidence or indifference it must take to dress that way is just something I don’t own. The men here? They seem to have no trouble at all.

Day Tripping to the Islands..Maybe
Rust is beside me, searching the internet for day trips to the surrounding islands – something we’ve been talking about for a couple of weeks. We just can’t seem to make up our minds. Parasailing, snorkeling, yachts, fishing…all on the agenda, just choosing the tour provider and amenities is making us slackers about booking. Full day trips from Jomtien or Pattaya range from $45-$95 each, depending on the group size and the boat and the islands you choose to visit. Hopefully we will buck up and just choose soon…only 3 1/2 weeks left here before flying back to Texas. But, we may just opt to skip booking and save the cash for a fun weekend in Paris next month while we are living in France.
I’m not sure what the rest of today holds here in Jomtien, but I imagine a few games of Rummikub, chicken legs for dinner, some Jeopardy, and if Rust stays nice, a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie or two before bed.
So that’s our day…What have YOU been up to?