Cake is not Health Food. In case you were wondering.

It seems I don’t have a single second to turn around these days. I have a cookbook deadline, the blog to keep up, emails to answer, a house to clean, a family to take care of, and wedding cakes every weekend now that it’s summer. I’m not complaining- I love the responsibility. I just seem to forget about myself in the middle of all that.

Take eating, for example. My son, Seven, never misses a meal. For breakfast, he’ll have a yogurt, some fruit, and usually toast or an egg. By the time he’s eaten and I’ve cleaned up, I’m already involved in blog posting and returning emails…so I forget to eat.

It happens.

Same thing tends to happen when lunch rolls around…I just get caught up in everything else there is to do, and skip my meal or grab something unhealthy, like a brownie or a piece if bologna, or my favorite- the dome of cake I cut off to level wedding cakes. (Yumolicious, but really not a great meal, even if you do combine it with raspberry buttercream, which is essentially dairy and fruit.)  But I digress.

I was recently sent a couple of boxes of Kellogg’s new FiberPlus Cereal to try, so, I may have remedied my non-meal-only-eat-cake-while standing-up-over-the-sink-not kidding-situation. Really!

Last Friday, I took it upon myself to live blog my wedding cake assembly process. Let me tell you, there were a LOT if cake domes to tempt me throughout the day. But- I was good! Before I started, I sat down with a bowl of the Yogurt Berry Crunch and a few fresh berries from our garden, and 5 hours later, I was still going strong. (Okay, I’ll admit, I did have a few bites of the Swiss Chocolate layer. You know, for quality control purposes only. Sometimes it takes 17 bites, sometimes more. Don’t judge!) But, the cereal was great!  Not a kiddie cereal, full of sugar and fairies, but a REAL cereal. Filling. Flavorful. Lasting! I was impressed!

On cake days, if I get to eat twice, it’s like a Christmas Miracle.  No joke.  SO – FiberPlus Cinnamon Oat Crunch to the rescue for dinner.  It isn’t quite as sweet, but packs a nice cinnamony punch.  And now I’m rolling in the antioxidants and keeping the ol’ ticker happy.  Not cake-happy, you know, the other happy.  Like I said, cake isn’t exactly a food group.  Okay, well, it IS, but not the healthiest one.  Maybe enough of this cereal will help even me out a bit?

Now, I can’t guarantee I’ll always remember to sit down and eat, but having the FiberPlus in the house will certainly make life a whole lot easier and definitely make eating far less of a chore.  And honestly – it’s good. It is GOOD cereal.  And while it isn’t a cake dome, it delivers a lot more health benefits! 

Maybe I can figure out how to cake out of it?

Until then, you should check it out for yourself!

For more info…click here.

Have a great day!


*Disclaimer – I was provided the cereal from Kellogg’s to review. I was also compensated for this post, however, all thoughts and opinions, especially about how good cake is, are my own.

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