Wine Bottle Décor and a Free Wine Lesson

bottles-1We’ve been going through some wine around here lately.

Like, a lot.

I am a huge sparkling Moscato fan – it’s sweet. It’s bubbly It takes the edge off when a certain 5 year old has been trying my nerves for hours on end.

When do the kids go back to school?

I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time throwing wine bottles away Don’t ask me why. They just seem to be destined for something classier than the land fill Sure, recycling would make them into a new bottle, somewhere, someday.

I prefer instant gratification.

I was recently challenged by The Wine Bar to come up with something to do with all these empty wine bottles collecting dust on my counter A quick internet search gave me plenty of ideas! Just look at these projects!

Beautiful, right? And so simple Because I didn’t want to get into cutting the wine bottles, I limited myself a bit, but no big deal – I had other plans!

Here’s what I came up with!


Not too shabby, right? Stay tuned – in the next couple of days I will show you a little tutorial on how I did it Not hard at all!


In the mean time, I wanted to share this little Wine Cheat Sheet with you No one asked me to, but once I saw it, I couldn’t NOT share it I personally am NOT a wine know-it-all In fact, I am a Wine Know Not Much At All I just know what I like.

Like Moscato d’Asti.

Similarly, I found a Butterfly Kiss Moscato that is a little less bubbly, and it has a great fruity flavor I kind of feel grown up drinking it Seriously folks, it doesn’t take much.

Oooh, and I also got my hands on a sparkling Prosecco I am loving Stellina di Notte. Great pricing (under $15!) and the bottle is good looking Don’t pretend like that doesn’t count – you know it does.


Maybe you can print off this little cheat sheet and sneak it into your wallet or purse, then when you are out at a restaurant ordering, you can look like a wine-know-something-or-another.

Don’t be snobby You ARE resorting to a cheat sheet, after all.

I don’t judge.

If you do love wine, and you want to know more, I recommend checking out and Liking The Wine Bar on Facebook. Plenty of great ideas, suggestions, and things to make you look all Wine-Smarty.


I think I need another glass.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post, though all thoughts and opinions are my own. Obviously.

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