Oh Geez…I’ve been Tagged…

And here I thought no one knew who I was. I’ve been here in blogger land, kind of hiding out, thinking no one even knew I was at the party. Guess I was wrong…as Rigby of Butterbur’s Bistro just tagged me for my very first MeMe. (perhaps she saw me when I snuck over to the bar to grab a little drink?)

(I’m still speaking figuratively, people…keep up. there is no bar in blogger land, at least to my knowledge.)

The Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on the blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Okay – so here’s my scoop.

1. As soon as I started baking big time, I somehow lost all interest in peanut butter. What?? Not even a fan of Reese Cups anymore. I can’t explain it, it’s beyond comprehension.

2. My first REAL job out of college was as the Sales & Catering Director for Mountain Lake Hotel. For those who don’t now, Mountain Lake is where Dirty Dancing was filmed. NO, I was not there during the filming…I was only eleven. But thanks for thinking I look that old.

3. I think Paul Newman is about the best looking thing that ever walked. And a good person, too. And still married after all these years to the same woman. Wow. What a role model.

4. I love love love taking tests. If there was a job where I could just take the SATs everyday, I would SO be up for that. Is there such a job?? Anyone? Anyone??

5. I have been very lucky – my husband and I have traveled to over 30 countries together since we married 8 years ago…and if the money holds out, we’ll keep on going with Seven in tow. I really want to go to the Czech Republic, Australia, Iceland, and Tahiti….maybe someday.

6. I know my way around Rome as well as any tour guide. Never been?? Need assistance?? Let me know. I love it there!! We’ve been there so many times now that I kind of miss it – plus…that’s where we found out that I was pregnant with Seven last year!

Okay. that’s me. Now, who to tag, who to tag….

The Farmer’s Wife
Laura of Sweet Stilettos
Tommi of Brown Interior
Kelly of Baking With the Boys
Jacque of Daisy Lane Cakes
Beth of Our Sweet Life

TAG – You Are IT!!

(*now I am running away from the bar, stumbling, and scootching up next to the big palm tree where no other bloggers will tag me, eating my chocolate pudding. yum.*)

(Still figurative. Gosh you all are slow.)


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