My Kitchen, My World…Lithuania!

For this week’s MKMW adventure, we all have Andrea of Nummy Kitchen to thank for taking us to Lithuania! Apparantly, Andrea has family and roots in Lithuania, so why not?? It certainly wasn’t our easiest challenge, but that’s okay!!

Quite honestly, I really didn’t have the time this week for ANY country, unless that country eats plain old spaghetti and take out. But on Thursday, Jon’s Dad came over to visit, so we worked Lithuania in to the menu.

This dish is called Kuldunai, but I did have to modify it. The recipe called for ground beef, but alas, I used the defrosted ground beef the night before to make, duh, spaghetti. So that left me with chicken. Somehow, and don’t ask me how, Jon managed to pick and pick and pick at that chicken until it LOOKED ground. So our dumplings were filled with ground chicken and onions. I’m not sure why these are called dumplings versus tortellini, as they seem the same to me. Basically a rolled out pasta, cut into circles, filled, folded, pinched. Boiled in water. Maybe the difference is not eating them in a tomato sauce?
This recipe did call for a Bacon Gravy, but instead, I just made a chicken gravy and we ate the dumplings in that. I also tossed in a few peas so that we had some veggies to chew on.

I can’t say it was my favorite dish in the MKMW rotation, but it wasn’t bad. I think I would have preferred it with alfredo? But really, it wasn’t bad. Perhaps if I had stuck to the recipe I would have been more impressed, but after the amount of time I have been stuffed into the kitchen this week, I am impressed I got it done at ALL!

Now, go check out how the other traveling chefs fared in this week’s challenge!!

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