Kid Friendly Easter Food Projects

I am not a big Easter Holiday baker.  Heck, half the time, I even forget to color Easter eggs.  True story.  But I’m pretty good at finding cute things on Pinterest, and then thinking about making them, and then totally not making them.

And here is a cute round up of those things, in case you want to totally pretend you’re gonna make them, too.

I wont judge.


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Chocolate Sandwich Bunny Cookies with Marshmallow Buttercream


Easter Candy Chocolate Bark

Bunny pancakes are perfect for spring!    imageimage  image

Oh, and just a little FYI – I totally made the candy bark and that adorable little chicky basket you see above. I did.  The cupcakes are entirely easy…and you can make those.  Promise.  Everything else seems doable as well – we should try this year.

Or next year.  Whatever.

Thank me later.

Happy Easter!

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