How To: Start a Foodie Instagram

Food and cooking are two of the most popular topics on social media. People love to see delicious foods and the way they are made, and the diversity found in the world of food makes it easy to find ideas that maker content unique and interesting. Of course, though, how can you start something like this for yourself? There are loads of platforms out there that can be suitable for cooking enthusiasts, but this article will be focusing on Instagram.


Making a profile that is dedicated to cooking can be a great way to show off your prowess in the kitchen, while also having the potential to become a money-maker down the line. Let’s take a look at some of the different work that will have to be done when you want to find success with a cooking profile on Instagram.

The Research


While most people will happily post on Instagram without any prior knowledge, becoming successful on a platform like this requires the right approach. You need to make sure that you are making regular posts, using the right tags, posting at the right time, and performing interactions that will help you to gain more followers. This can be tricky at first, though there are plenty of companies out there that can help you to research Instagram and figure out the best methods for you.


Content Ideas


Coming up with new content ideas is another challenge for those using Instagram for cooking. With so many people posting on sites like this each day, finding unique ways to present your work can be a difficult task. Thankfully, though, cooking is diverse enough to provide you with ample ideas to get your Instagram profile started. You can start with the meals that you feel most comfortable making, followed by taking the chance to experiment and try new ideas once you settle into the work you’re doing.


Alongside finding unique ideas, many food Instagrammers also choose to find themes that will work for their content. This could be based on the regions of the food that you cook, the tools you use to do your cooking, or something entirely different. You have to be careful with this, though. It can be all too easy to make your theme too unique, making it challenging to come up with fresh ideas all the time, and this could make your life very tough down the line. Once you have enough followers, you can ask them what they would like to see from you.


Taking Photographs

Instagram is all about photography, with the platform originally be solely based around this type of media. Food photography can be beautiful, and it isn’t too hard to take pictures like this. As long as you have enough light in your kitchen or dining room, you will be able to use your phone to take pictures of the food you make for your followers. Thanks to the gallery options available on Instagram, you could also consider the idea of taking individual shots of each stage of the recipes you make.


Some people will prefer to take this further than simple smartphone photography. Companies like Sony and Canon offer excellent standalone cameras that can achieve far better results than most phones, giving you the chance to explore the artistic side of photography with your food profile. You may need to take some time to learn how to use tools like this, but it won’t be long until you are able to make your profile look gorgeous. Of course, though, this will come with a significant investment.


Recording Videos


While Instagram is well-suited to photos, videos can be a better content option for those producing content about food. This can give you the chance to create recipes and tutorials for people to follow, while also giving you deeper and more meaningful interactions with your followers. Of course, though, creating videos isn’t an easy process by any stretch, and you will have to work extremely hard to produce videos that look good. Much like photos, you will need a lot of light, and you can choose the type of camera you use.


Alongside actually recording the videos you post, you also need to make sure that they are edited in a way that users will respond well to. This can be one of the biggest challenges you face, and you will need to work extremely hard to make sure that your followers enjoy the content you make. This will require some research, with things like learning how to add music to a video being essential when you’re trying to impress those that see your profile. Many people struggle with this process, but you can often make it easier yourself by watching videos to teach you how to make videos.


Writing Text Content


Finally, as the last content production you have to consider, it’s time to think about the writing that goes with your Instagram posts. People tend to respond best to content with a positive spin, with feel-good text being the best to touch the widest possible audience. This is another part of your job that you can research and learn about, with loads of advice around the web to help those who want to write great social media content. Of course, though, you need to make sure that the content you write is also brief and easy to read.


Alongside the block of writing you will do with each post, you will also need to add some tags. Researching tags can be similar to SEO research, and this makes it complex by nature. Of course, though, much like many other types of online content, you can easily learn about Instagram tagging by reading about it online.


With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of starting your own Instagram cooking profile. This can be a great way to build your own community and make a living online, while also providing you with loads of options in the future.

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