Tagine Cooking…and a Giveaway

eh5Have you ever tried cooking in a tagine? I hadn’t, not until my first day at the World Cuisine Boot Camp at the Culinary Institute. My group, and more specifically, I, was assigned a recipe that prepared chicken in a tagine, along with onions, olives, and other goodies.

I have fallen in love with the tagine.

It’s like the most beautiful slow cooker, ever. It’s even a little bit sexy…and it cooks like a million bucks. After 2 hours simmering away, chicken literally falls off the bone, full of all the flavors you paired it with. It is truly a set it and forget it piece of cookware.

The other night, I prepared chicken thighs in it for a few friends. One great thing about the tagine is how well it sears the meat. I heated some butter (for flavor) and a bit of oil (to keep the butter from burning) and seared each side of the chicken until deep golden brown. I the removed the chicken, added in cut up onions, carrots, and potatoes with a little bit more butter and some spices, salt and pepper, then immediately returned the chicken to the top of the veggies. eh4Then I topped the tagine with its lid…and walked away.

For two hours, the chicken did it’s thing.

When it was time to eat, I carried the gorgeous Emile Henry tagine to the table, sat it on a hot plate, and we ate. Could it be any easier?

So now I am an addict. A tagine addict. Do you have any recipes that I should try? My only request is that the recipe not have curry or that type of flavor…just not a fan. Garlic, Italian spices, peppers – go for it! I’d love for you to leave me a comment here with the link to the recipe.


The Giveaway

No doubt you are eyeballing that Emile Henry Tagine. Want one? Well, you can buy one, of course, and I do highly recommend it. It’s not only practical, it’s gorgeous. I have it in Figue, a deep dark purplish color. Love love love it.eh

But I don’t want you to HAVE to buy one, so I’m GIVING one away.

To you.

How to win? Simple. Do one of these 3 things…

1. Leave me a comment with either a link to a tagine recipe, or, tell me you’ve never even heard of a tagine. Or anything in between.

2. For another chance to win, share this post on your Facebook Status. Just be sure to return here and comment, letting me know you did. Since you are on Facebook, I hope you’ll consider being a Fan of Doughmesstic – I’d love to have you, and I announce bonus entries there, so…well, that’s just an incentive.

3. For a third chance, Tweeeet! Just tweet a link to this post. Don’t tweet? How about a Stumble? Do one or the other, return here, and let me know. That’s it!

Contest ends May 13 at 11:59pm EST. Open to US 48 Addresses only, please, as shipment will be coming direct from Emile Henry, who provided my review tagine as well as the giveaway tagine. Of course, I love mine, as I said – and no one paid me to say that!

Hope everyone is geared up for a great week! Good luck!

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