It’s Wear an Apron Day!

Did you know that already?
Of course, every day at my house is Wear an Apron Day. I love them. It’s an addiction.
I don’t drink. (whaaaat?) I don’t smoke. I don’t spend my money at the dogtrack (anymore) and I don’t have an problem with online shopping or QVC. But I do have a unnatural addiction to aprons. I want them. I need them. I have a wonderful mother who now makes them for me.

A week or two ago, we went shopping for a bunch of apron fabric. Of course, I want to keep all of them, but that’s not really very economical, is it? So, why not let YOU reap the rewards of having my Mom sew?

Since today is Wear an Apron Day, I am going to be super nice. See these 4 aprons? Just choose one. Which one do you like? Which one would you like to win?

I will pick one winner at Random on Friday, May 15 – and announce it on Twitter.
Want one of these cool aprons and can’t wait? Comment here. If you don’t win it, you can buy it for a hugely discounted $26. First dibs though. Just tell me in the comment – I want to win this one, but if I don’t, I get first dibs. That’s all you gotta say. Better make sure you are following me on Twitter, too, so that you are ready when the winner is announced.

Sorry it’s my own unshapely body in the pics – the aprons are way cuter than they appear on me. I LOVE the Retro one – the shape is perfect. But I also really, really like the others, especially the Oriental one. It’s chic.

Oh – and if you see a stlye you like,but would rather it have a different fabric, she can do that. In fact CB, she has some killer Cupcake Fabric that made me think of you. It would be toooo cute made like the Retro Apron or the Grassy Black and White.

Okay, enough.
See you folks here tomorrow for Tuesdays With Dorie. It’s Tarta-licios.

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