Let’s Cool Off a Bit.
If you have a couple of peaches lying around, keep reading. It’s hard to find a use for just 2 peaches. Sure, you could just eat them. That’d be tasty. But if you really want to make something with them – something easy and fantastic – try this.
Take some pink lemonade mix – I use Countrytime – and mix it a little on the heavy side. If it says use 3 scoops, use 4. Mix it heavy, like I said. Then add in a bit of sugar. A Tablespoon or two should do the trick. Then peel and pit your two peaches, throw them in the blender and mush them up. Now add this to your lemonade mix. Yes, you can strain it if you like, but I don’t. I like the extra chunks. Now add a half teaspoon of ginger. Stir it all up – voila!
I was kind of shocked at how good this is. How can something so simple taste so good? The ginger adds just enough zip, the peach adds just the right amount of fresh. It’s delicious, and has been my most favorite drink of the summer!
The Penny Pinching Pantry Raid Continues into it’s second weekend, and all is well. I get lots of great comments from you all, wishing us luck as well as full out shock and amazement. But yesterday, I had a comment from Amy over at South in Your Mouth. (Love that title, by the way.) She commented that she almost took the challenge with us, but that she was worried that she would have an empty freezer/fridge/pantry at the end that would need an expensive refill. How am I, DoughMessTic, supposed to overcome that, she wonders? Well, Amy, I have no clear idea how my pantry is going to be affected, in all honesty. So far, I can barely tell that anything is missing. I’m sure that will change as the month draws to an end, but so far, we’re okay.
My main reason for creating this challenge, besides the money saving, was to test myself. I have this habit, as many people do, of just running to the grocery store whenever the thought strikes me. Nevermind that I have perfectly good food options here at home – I go out of habit and that’s that. It also never fails that while at the store, I pick up something entirely on impulse. This kills us in the pocketbook. What this challenge has taught me so far is that I CAN bypass the store. I CAN eat what we have on hand. I CAN skip out on eating out at restaurants.
It isn’t a lifestyle many of us live by, but there are frugal shoppers out there who make a monthly meal plan, shop once or twice a month to get what they need, and only fill in with essentials. I personally can’t tie myself down like that, but I applaud those of you who can. For me, this challenge works because I decide what I am going to make just before I make it. It just works. As for the contents of my fridge and pantry, sure, they are decreasing…but what do I have all of that stuff in there for anyway? Is there going to be a big snow storm that requires me to have 17 boxes of pasta and 10 cans of beans? Do I really need a months supply of applesauce or cheese? No, not really. This challenge has helped me clean up the staples I have on hand so that I can take better assessment of what I need. I will continue to stock up on items when they are on sale, but only when they are on sale, and only what I think I might need or use in the next month or two. No more of this long term planning, it’s wasteful on my part. You should see what I threw out when taking inventory of the fridge and freezer. There should be a law against it. But now I know what I have and can make better choices on what to add. I don’t feel the need to stockpile anymore.
I hope I didn’t talk in circles there, but I tend to do that….forgive me. At the end of this months challenge I am again going to post what is in my fridge/freezer and pantry. I may even tally up what these items would cost me if I were to buy them, so that I can really see what amount of money we need to live on. Mostly, I am just pleased that I have been able to walk past things in the grocery store for the past 10 days and NOT pick them up just because I want them or they look yummy. I have been able to say NO to Pizza delivery, and even NO to the ol’ DQ. I’ve realized I can make do with what I’ve got, and our meals aren’t lacking in quality. I can make my own bread (it’s better!). I can make my own icecream if I need it. I can make a meal as good or better than Outback. It just takes a little effort.
I hope this helps explain myself a little bit, Amy. I really appreciate your comment. I appreciate ALL of you commenting!
Day Ten Rundown: $0 Spent. You may consider us cheating today, but I am going to allow if for a couple of reasons. I’ll explain below.
Breakfast: I fed all 5 of us (In-Laws included) – we had Popovers with berries, whipped cream and syrup.
Lunch: Sev had a Bologna and cheese sandwich. Lea (my MIL) and I had Grilled Nutella and Double berry Jam sandwiches. Jon and his Dad had turkey, cheese and bologna sandwiches that we made and delivered to them on the golf course.
Dinner: Here’s where you may think we cheated. Jon’s dad bought dinner for us. I am allowing it because we supplied the food for last nights dinner, and Friday’s breakfast and lunch. Plus, in life outside of this challenge it isn’t unusual to have a parent foot the bill for a meal…so I allow it. If you think it is unreasonable, PLEASE leave me a comment here. I am hoping by months end it won’t be an issue anyway, even had I included it. I think our part of the meal would have been roughly $12, in case you are counting. (But not me, I am NOT counting it. Is that fair?)
18 Days to Go, $79.48 left to spend.