Hawaiian Chicken Pasta

Do I love Hawaiian Chicken Pasta?  I do.  It’s crazy.  Why crazy?  I am a creature of habit. Change? I say I love it…and I kind of do. But it’s also just not something I am very good at implementing myself.

Even with pasta.

As an ambassador for Dreamfields Pasta, I am often challenged with a new recipe to create using pasta. You’d think that’s easy, but, well, for me…notsomuch. When I think of pasta, my mind immediately goes Italian. Pesto. Marinara. Alfredo.

But not this time, kiddos.



Changing up pasta is scary for me, but I was inspired by my recent trip to Dole and the massive amounts of pineapple in my kitchen to whip up something a little different – a little – islandy. So, a quick inventory of the fridge and cabinets led me to chicken, green pepper, pineapple, soy, ginger, carrots, and Dreamfields Angel Hair.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

I am SO pleased with this recipe! It’s quick, it’s insanely healthy (no heavy sauces, no butter, no cheeses or creams), and it is 100 percent different than what I typically make. Jon and I both really enjoyed it. It’s rich and flavorful, but crowdpleasing at the same time, because it’s not too hot (you can spice it up if you like but I went mild). Just…deliciousness.

I do hope you will try it – I am so proud of it!


Hawaiian Chicken Pasta

  • Serves 8
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes


  • 1 pound box Dreamfields Angel Hair Pasta
  • 1.5 pounds Chicken Breast, cut into bite sized pieces
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • Tablespoon Garlic Powder
  • 2 teaspoons Ground Ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon Poppy Seeds
  • Salt & Pepper, to taste
  • 1 medium Sweet Onion, diced
  • 1 Green Pepper, chopped
  • 3 Carrots, thinly sliced
  • 20 ounce can Pineapple Chunks, reserve the juice
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup Soy Sauce


  1. Place water on to prepare pasta. While water is heating, brown chicken pieces in a large stir fry pan or wok in a tablespoon of oil. As you saute, add sesame oil, garlic powder, ginger, poppy seeds, and salt and pepper.
  2. Add pasta to boiling water and prepare according to box directions.
  3. Once chicken has lightly browned, add onion, green pepper, carrots, pineapple chunks, and 1/4 cup pineapple juice. Stirfry until vegetables are tender, about 8 minutes.
  4. While vegetables are cooking, combine 1/2 cup pineapple juice, cornstarch, and soy sauce. Whisk until smooth.
  5. One pasta is finished cooking, add noodles to stirfry pan and top with the pineapple/soy sauce. Stir in pan for one minute; serve hot.




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