Happy Father’s Day


I knew I had been busy, but didn’t realize I have left the DoughMessTic site un-updated for so long. 3 days and no post. Eeek.

Well, truth be told I have been beyond overwhelmed. I had another 200+ person wedding to cater on Saturday. Again, heavy hors d’oeuvres & a sweets table, but serving 200 people anything is quite an ordeal. It took a lot of my time on Thursday, all day Friday, and then Saturday, of course. I’ll do another post on that function a little later on in the week.

Today is all about Father’s Day. I have a great Dad, and I have a husband who is also a great Dad…so I am a lucky lady. Not everyone can say that. I count my blessings for those two men. For those of you who know my Dad, you know that he loves candy bars, especially anything Reese’s. A few weeks ago, my Mom decided to try her hand at making an edible fruit arrangement- something my Dad refused to touch. We knew he wouldn’t eat it. I think I mentioned beofre that Dad doesn’t eat fruit, and even the allure of skewers couldn’t reel him in. But he did say that if there were peanut butter cups on skewers, he’d eat THAT. So that gave me an idea….

CandyBar Basket.

I bought up a bunch of different minis and hot glued them onto your basic skewers cut at different lengths. I stuck them down into a round of styrofoam, then wrapped it in a piece of my scrapbooking paper and tied it with a ribbon. Finally, I tucked in pieces of tissue paper, and voilaCandyBar Basket. Yes, I am aware that I am not the creative genius behind this phenomenon, but I just wanted to share with you how easy and cute these can be. Lots of people would love to get one of these for their birthday, or as a PickMeUp, or a Congratulations gift in lieu of flowers. They’re fun – and you can eat them!

Now that that’s out of the way, I wonder this…(you know me and how I wonder things.)

In particular, Reese’s Cups and Reese’s Pieces.
When I am talking out loud about them – for example – if I am saying Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups – it comes out as Reece-ez Peanut Butter Cups. But, if I am just saying Reese’s Cups – it comes out as ReeSee Cups. Same with the Pieces. ReeSee PeeCees. Anyone else say ReeSee PeeCees? Ask around. You’ll be surprised.
Or maybe not.
Maybe it’s a Southern Thang.
Clue me in?
Happy Father’s Day everyone! Go let those men know how great they are.

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