Art for Art’s Sake?


I don’t even know what that means.

Did you know I got my degree in Art History? I did. Art History and English.  Don’t ask. It’s a real degree, though. (Ignore my husband’s whispering behind my back. He can suck it.)

Anyway, as a type of Artist, I feel like I have the right to say something about ART.

There’s something I just don’t GET about some of these installation artists, making sculptures out of multi-colored dryer lint (yes, really), dog poop, (yes, really), and the latest…Ring Pops. (yes, really.)

imageIs it just to be recognized in the art community? I mean, no one is really going to BUY this art, are they? A 42 pound ginormous dog poop sculpture in the shape of…Godzilla poop? Who wants that? And, where would they put it? On the dining table? In the foyer, to greet all of their well heeled guests? And, won’t it smell? And eventually disintegrate? So, you pay 57 grand for a melting pile of poop in the shape of giant poop? I don’t get it.

There is NO WAY someone purchases this ART.


So why does the artist cover themselves in feces for 6 days making it, if not for the money? I bet you go ask the Wastewater Treatment guys if they’d be willing to work in crap for the fame, they’d probably laugh at you, if not shoot you for asking. They’re in the Union.

But really…why? Fame for an artist is hard to come by, and even if they DO get a mention in the Times, still, no one in the real world knows who they are. they’ll never get recognized on the street.  So, no money, no fame, really. No paparazzi are going to be hiding outside the door of the shitsculptor.


Same goes for the new Ring Pop Artist.  Don’t get me wrong, I love Ring Pops. And the art is cool to look at, all drippy and modern and colorful. I like it, I do. But practical… it is not. I foresee lots of flies in the house of it’s owner, most of which will be stuck to the watermelon flavor, because everyone knows, flies included, that watermelon rocks.

I just hope that IF this stuff really is purchased, it isn’t by the same sucker. (Hehe, I didn’t even catch that until after I had typed it.)

DogPoopLintRingPop Art House would make for a the perfect locale in the next Survivor, full of insects and plenty of crap to throw at each other.  And the smell? Nahhhhsty. They wouldn’t even be hungry for the entire 6 weeks. Better yet, forget Survivor. It could be the next America’s Next Top Model House. 

Those chicks don’t eat anything, anyway.


*Photos originally posted on this site.

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