Mississippi Mud Brownies
Mississippi Mud Brownies. Good heavens. Look at that gooieness. Or is it gooeyness? I can’t leave anything alone. That’s my problem. If something has 9000 calories in it, I find a way to make it richer, denser, fatter. I’m a freakshow like that. Take these brownies, for example. They are BROWNIES. Brownies are great on […]

Cookie Stuffed Blondies…a Guest Post from BranAppetit
Hi everyone! My name is Brandi and I write the blog BranAppetit! When Susan asked me a week ago if I’d write a guest post for her, my mind started racing. First – the answer was of course! We live 5 minutes away and I’m so happy to have another crazy food blogger living nearby. […]

We are back in the States!
We are back in The States! While we make our home just north of Houston, I have been spending as much time as possible at our condo in Jomtien, Thailand, as well as traveling all we can. Our last adventure was a two week sailing through the Panama Canal and Central America. Next up? Back to Thailalnd, then two weeks cruising from Australia to Singapore. Antarctica is on the docket as well, so stay tuned!

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