Fudgy Caramel Pretzel Brownies
I’ve been dreaming of these brownies for a long, long, lonnnng time. I had the idea for them about two days before my oven decided his time was up and thusly chose to leave this cruel, cruel world. I swear it happened the day after I started measuring him for his replacement. 6 weeks ago. […]

Dark Chocolate & Almond Brownies
I can’t leave the different flavors of Scharffen Berger chocolate alone. I’m already addicted to the dark, the milk, the semi-sweet. But then, they had to go and put almonds in some of their bars. I had to make brownies out of them. However, the almonds are packed into their milk chocolate bar, and I […]

We are back in the States!
We are back in The States! While we make our home just north of Houston, I have been spending as much time as possible at our condo in Jomtien, Thailand, as well as traveling all we can. Our last adventure was a two week sailing through the Panama Canal and Central America. Next up? Back to Thailalnd, then two weeks cruising from Australia to Singapore. Antarctica is on the docket as well, so stay tuned!

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